Windows command line - Using SC.exe to communicate with services

SC is a command line program used for communicating with the NT Service controller and services. SC.exe retrieves and sets control information about services. It can be used to configure a specific service, retrieve current status of a service, as well as start/stop a service. Batch files can be created that call various sc.exe commands to various SC.exe commands for automating the startup/shutdown of services.

sc [ServerName] [command] [service name] option1 option2 ...

The option ServerName has the form "\\ServerName"

The simplest use of SC.exe is to query about installed services, drivers, type of services, or type of drivers. For this, command syntax is as follows.

SC [ServerName] query [ServiceName] [type= {driver|service}all}] [type= {own|share|interact|kernel|filesys|rec|adapt}] [state= {active|inactive|all}] [bufsize= BufferSize] [ri= ResumeIndex] [group= GroupName]

The parameters taken by query command are -

ServerName - Specifies the name of the remote server on which the service is located. The name must use the UNC format ("\\myserver"). If this parameter is not used, SC.exe assumes local machine.

ServiceName - Specifies the service name returned by the getkeyname operation. This query parameter is not used in conjunction with other query parameters (other than ServerName).

type= {driver|service|all} - Specifies what to enumerate. The default type is service.

type= {own|share|interact|kernel|filesys|rec|adapt} - Specifies the type of services or type of drivers to enumerate. This parameter needs little bit of explanation.

   own - The service runs in its own process. This is the default.
       share - The service runs as a shared process. It shares an executable file with other services.
      interact - The service can interact with the desktop, receiving input from users.
       kernel - Driver
       filesys - File system driver

state= {active|inactive|all} - Specifies the started state of the service for which to enumerate. The default state is active.

bufsize= BufferSize - Specifies the size (in bytes) of the enumeration buffer. The default size is 1024 bytes. You may need to increase buffer size when the display resulting from a query exceeds 1 Kb.

ri= ResumeIndex - Specifies the index number at which to begin or resume the enumeration. The default is 0.This parameter is used in conjunction with the bufsize= parameter.

group= GroupName - Specifies the service group to enumerate. The default is all groups.

Please note that a space between parameter and its value is required. For example state=inactive is wrong, it should be stat= inactive

For example, typing SC query messenger at the command prompt and hitting return key results in following display on screen.

SERVICE_NAME: messenger
       STATE : 1 STOPPED
       WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 1077 (0x435)
       SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
       CHECKPOINT : 0x0
       WAIT_HINT : 0x0

Apart from query command, used here, there are a lot other commands that can be used with SC.exe. A brief description of commands available with SC.exe on a Windows XP Pro machine is as follows. For more information type sc in Help and Support Center search text box in Windows XP Pro. Always remember to backup registry and create a System Restore point in Windows, before making any changes to your Windows box using SC.exe.

boot - Indicates whether the last boot should be saved as the last-known-good configuration.
config - Modifies the value of a service's entries in the registry and in the Service Control Manager's database.
continue - Sends a CONTINUE control request to a service in order to resume a paused service.
control - Sends a CONTROL B to a service.
create - Creates a subkey and entries for the service in the registry and in the Service Control Manager's database.
delete - Deletes a service subkey from the registry. If the service is running or if another process has an open handle to the service, then the service is marked for deletion.
description - Sets the description string for a service.
enumdepend - Lists the services that cannot run unless the specified service is running.
failure - Specifies what action to take upon failure of the service.
getdisplayname - Gets the display name associated with a particular service.
getkeyname - Gets the key name associated with a particular service, using the display name as input.
interrogate - Sends an INTERROGATE control request to a service.
lock - Locks the Service Control Manager's database.
pause - Sends a PAUSE control request to a service.
qc - Queries the configuration information for a service.
qdescription - Displays the description string of a service.
qfailure - Displays the actions that will be performed if the specified service fails.
queryex - Obtains and displays extended information about the specified service, driver, type of service, or type of driver.
querylock - Queries and displays the lock status for the Service Control Manager's database.
sdset - Sets a service's security descriptor.
sdshow - Displays a service's security descriptor.
start - Starts a service running.
stop - Sends a STOP control request to a service.